Monday, November 24, 2008

Clowne Half Marathon Results

Well, I had a good run in the Clowne half marathon yesterday. I started very near to the front thinking I wouldn't have any problems running into anyone. Well, we went round the corner, a bloke tried to undertake me, I was crowded in from the other side as well so nowhere to go & then I couldn't avoid running into this woman & treading on her heel. At least no one fell over, and I don't think anyone was hurt either (she didnt limp or anything, just caught the back of her shoe).

I remembered this run as being quite hard with a lot of hills, but this year it felt easy and the time passed very quickly as though I hadn't being running for 90 minutes, which is the best way to run. I kept an eye on my heart rate in particular and held back a little when I thought it was going too high ( this might not be entirely accurate because it is an estimation based on 220 minus my age to give me my maximum HR, then the pace to aim for in a half marathon will be 80 to 85 % of my maximum HR).

Over the last few miles there were a few hills which slowed my progress a little. Also the last couple of miles are done mainly on a busy road, so you have lorries passing very close to you as the road isn't closed to traffic. The last 800 metres is also slowed slightly by a hill in the middle, but you soon pass that and are down to the 400 metres to go sign, then the 200 metres to go - had to put in a spurt here to hold off another runner, so finished very quick.

It is a well organised race - they have bottles of water at the drinks stations instead of plastic cups, and at the finish we got a homemade biscuit and a bottle of water. Not as big a field as Worksop, but I would say I enjoyed this run more.

My finishing time is on my other blog on the right hand menu.
Clowne Half Marathon Results

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